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I Have Been Caned

Unlucky 13

During my school days the miniskirt was very much in fashion and we enjoyed rolling our skirts up much shorter than they should have been. This usually resulted in a telling off from a teacher or sometimes even a detention. But one day the head decided she'd had enough of this foolery and warned us any girl she caught rolling her skirt would be made an example of. And this applied to and from school.
As uniform inspection was usually as we either went into or came out of assembly we thought it was safe to roll our skirts on the way to school (partly to catch the eye of any boys from the boys' school) and unroll them before registration. Unfortunately this particular day the head made good her threat and stood at the school gate to inspect uniform. I was one of the unfortunates she spotted with rolled skirt. She took my name and told me I would be dealt with.
I was worried what the next hour would bring and didn"t have to wait long. At the end of assembly the head read out a list of 13 names and told us to come to the front. We went up with embarrassed looks on our faces. She then read the riot act to us and all the school and said as we had been flagrantly disobeying what she had recently warned us about we would all get the cane. Our hearts dropped into our boots. I was worried she'd cane us there and then in front of the whole school but instead she ordered us to stand outside her office. We stood there anxiously while everyone came out and filed past us, some with smirks on their faces.
The head then came and gathered us together for another lecture then told us to face the wall. She called the first girl in, who was already in tears at the prospect of being caned. We heard the swish of the cane and three loud cracks as it landed and lots of crying. The girl came out, red faced and holding her bum, in floods of tears. The next girl went in and the same thing happened. This continued until it was my turn.
I went in and found the head, minus gown, with a long traditional cane in her hand.
"Bend over the desk, Jennifer," she said.
I complied and felt her tap my bum with the cane. Then came a swoosh and the impact as the cane found its target. There was a momentary sensation of nothing then a horrible, burning pain across my backside. I choked back tears as the next one landed and the third started the water works in earnest as I got up holding my bum with tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Go and wash your face then return to your class," said the head. "And don't let me have to repeat this!"
"Yes, Miss'" I blubbed.
"Tell the next girl to come in," said the head as I exited, holding a bum that seemed branded with a red hot poker.
This wasn't the first time I had been caned at school nor was it to be the last. But the fact of 13 of us were caned that day has meant we have gone down in school folklore as "The Unlucky 13"!
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Candice · 46-50, F
Thanks for the story. Ow! That sounds bad! 😁