February 2004. My farmhouse burnt to the ground. The day my son came back from war in Iraq. Hell of a day!
On my sun porch was a display of rocks, artifacts and things that I found on my hikes along the Ohio river. These … images.. hunks of rocks melted together from other materials. I saved them because of what I saw in them. Bad day ..hands shaking now as I share this two pieces of .. art. Memories flood my mind.
This is "The Man", his nose, eye, even a heavy eyebrow, chin and him sticking his pale tongue out at me. I thought he was a bad man but I saw he was protecting the children...girl holding her brother disappearing into the mass...oh.. sorry. The children are on the left, look closely.
Here is a howling wolf... I related to at the time. It stands by itself.
@novembermoon yes they are. Lost my cats in the fire too. So, the one thing that did survive.. plus me..lol.. I took as a blessings. My son just came home from Iraq .. he survived the war.. and almost lost his life coming home. sigh....
@Echoing it must have been tough. Hope things are looking up for you. You know, there's a saying- when one reaches a deep deep valley, and there's nowhere lower to go, the only way is up. It is true. Life is strange. And it is that when one goes through very deep pain and suffering, one emerges from it somehow changed. And it can only be for the better. Harness that energy. Live life to the fullest, my dear.
@novembermoon Yes it is true. To look back now, I see I would not be here, where I am today..if … that cleansing did not take place. My husband at the time, left me days later. My dad died a month later. 15 years later....💃❤️