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I Am A Boy Who Wants To Be A Girl

the time my friend Freddie became a girl Part 8

?Ask her to stay tomorrow until I get back from work, and when I get back I?ll ask her to stay for a few more days, perhaps weeks. We can talk about all the complicated stuff another time, for now just go brush your teeth and get ready for bed, there?s a good girl.? Suzanne rushed the last few words of her little speech, clearly wanting to end the conversation quickly so her daughter couldn?t complain.

I retreated back from the wall, one thought in my mind, I have to get out of this place.

I left the pyjamas that Suzanne had given me on the bed, I stood on the spot for a good few seconds thinking about them. I have to get out of here, no more girls clothes for me. Here are my options, leave now wearing these girl?s clothes and somehow sneak back into my house without getting caught by either my parents or Kirsty?s Mum.


Pretend to be a girl for the night and leave first thing in the morning as planned, without any risks. But that means I?d have to wear the girl?s pyjamas, sleep in the room of an eight-year-old girl and for the first time in my life, wake up in someone else?s house.

It was a decision that took a long time to make, but it was the smart decision. The first smart decision I?d made all day actually. I walked over to the pyjamas and picked up the top half first, because it was on the top of the pile but mostly because it was one of the few things in the room which wasn?t pink!

I lifted it up and examined it closely, the long sleeves were still pink, but the chest?oh god. This was a Minnie Mouse pyjama set, with Minnie on the front surrounded by pink hearts on a white background. The bottom half were just plain pink pyjama bottoms, reaching down to my ankles when I was finally dressed in the outfit. It had taken a while to get out of those pink and white striped leggings. When I was ready for bed, I sat down on Kirsty?s bed and turned the volume back up on the TV, Dance moms was still on and I wanted to see how it ended.

Kirsty came back into the room a few minutes later, wearing a silky pale pink shirt with a matching pair of loose fitting trousers. Clearly her pyjamas were for older girls, and mine were for little girls. ?This will be over soon.? I told myself repeatedly as Kirsty sat down on the bed in silence.

?We have a problem.? Kirsty said in a blank voice, looking defeated.
?I heard everything, but it doesn?t change our plan does it? I?m still getting out of here tomorrow.? I said confidently.

?Yes, you?re right, it?s just Mum, she?ll do anything to keep Jaiden here.? She replied.

There was a brief moment of silence, we looked at each other, Kirsty looked as worried as I was.

?We?ll think of something.? We said together, equal amounts of determination in our voices.

Suzanne came into the room just as Dance moms finished, she was wearing a silky white robe with lace around the edges and white fluffy bits around the neck.

?Now girls, I know how much we all like Dance moms but it?s really time for bed.?
She said with a smile directed right at me. ?Your room is this way Jaiden.?

She walked over to me and placed her gentle hand on the back of my shoulder, I took the hint and slid of the bed. ?Good night Kirsty.? I said over my shoulder, Suzanne continued to shepherd me out of her daughter?s room with her arm now around my shoulders.

?Good night sweetheart.? Suzanne said in a gentle voice as she turned off the light and closed the door just as Kirsty replied with a long winded ?Niiiiight.?

Suzanne guided me to the right, the door to Maddie?s room was right next to Kirsty?s so it wasn?t much of a journey. She turned the room?s light back on to reveal a little girl?s paradise. I thought Kirsty?s room was a little girl?s room, but Maddie?s was on another level of girlyness.

The entire room was pink, except for the chest of drawers below the pink window frame, that was purple. The bed was to the left, against the wall. A much simpler bed compared to Kirsty?s, no curtains on this one, but the sheets were pink, the bed frame was pink, the carpet was closer to white than pink, but still looked pink. To the right, against the wall I had listened through earlier was a large white cabinet with its doors open. A small pink TV sat on the center shelf, framed with plastic hearts of different colours, on the top and bottom shelf was a collection of Disney Princesses. I knew from what Kirsty told me that Maddie loved everything relating to the Disney Princesses, even the pink bean bag sitting in the center of the room had a picture of Ariel, Rapunzel, Belle and Cinderella sitting together on a pink cloud. The walls were pink, with the bottom sections decorated with different princesses dancing together. To the left of the door, the last thing I noticed was a glossy pink vanity table, complete with several hairbrushes and a load of Disney branded plastic toys.

I could not wait to get out of this room, I just wanted to turn around, run down the stairs and out the front door, But Suzanne kept me under her control, slowly guiding me towards the bed. I did as I was told, repeating the ?I?m leaving this place tomorrow? line in my head over and over.

?Forgetting something?? Suzanne suddenly asked, pointing at my hair.

?What?? I replied.

?Don?t worry, Mummy can handle it.? She was quick to act, within seconds I was sat down in front of the vanity table, staring at myself in the mirror. Suzanne removed the flowery hair clips and the hair tie keeping my hair in a ponytail, and then spent what seemed like an age on brushing my hair.

?I always loved brushing my daughter?s hair before they went to bed.? I saw her beaming smile in the mirror. She was getting way too comfortable with this, she?s starting to think of me as her daughter. When she finished with my hair, it was silky smooth like the material of her robe, just as wavy as Kirsty?s hair and looked double the length it was when I woke up in the morning, reaching a few inches below my shoulders. Now I really looked like a girl, all traces of my boyishness were gone, replaced by an 11-year-old girl with my face.

?Now for bed, come on you.?

I was perfectly fine with getting into bed myself, but Suzanne didn?t think that when she lifted me up, cradled me against her shoulder, and then placed me in Maddie?s bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the covers over me, tucking me in like a mother would do for her child. She smiled down at me, I gave her a nervous smile back.

?Jaiden?? she asked just as I was about to turn over onto my belly to sleep. I really wasn?t used to having someone tucking me in at night like this. I looked at her blankly, forcing a smile, why wont this woman leave me alone?
Thegirlinside · 36-40, F
Please make more
Reesefftb · 22-25, T
You should message me
Thegirlinside · 36-40, F
I will will you be making more
ShanghaiLily · 31-35, T
I would love to have a room like Maddie's.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Oh you lucky boy
Reesefftb · 22-25, T
This story is about my friend
ShanghaiLily · 31-35, T
So cute Suzanne is the perfect Mommy.
Thegirlinside · 36-40, F
I want this to happen to me

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