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I Am A Boy Who Wants To Be A Girl

the time my friend Freddie became a girl Part 4

Suzanne placed her hand on top of mine and grinned at me, it was almost like she was examining me closely. Crap, did she know I wasn?t who she thought? My nerves were getting the better of me, and I nearly spewed out the truth onto the table. But it was Suzanne who spoke first.

?I?m always trying to make Kirsty a bit more ladylike, you know, honestly I don?t think she?s ever smoothed her skirt before.? She looked across at Kirsty, giving me time to take a quick breath, I was safe, she looked me right in the eye and didn?t recognise me!

?I try to, Mum?? Kirsty said, trying to apologise.

?You mean, never?? I spoke nervously, still recovering from that close call.

Suzanne turned to me and nodded, ?Never, well, perhaps once or twice.?

Kirsty had an evil grin on her face while her mother wasn?t looking. I should have remembered how she liked to trick people, especially after she lured me into that lip-gloss trap earlier. She was making me act more like a girl than she was!

?She?s still a whiz with hair and makeup though, my little beautician.? Suzanne snickered at Kirsty and rested her hand on top of her daughter?s. For a moment the three of us were connected, and for a moment I actually felt good. I never really had these family moments at my house, even though this wasn?t my family, and I?d be escaping in the morning. I still felt better than I had been in hours.

?Now girls, dig in and enjoy.? Suzanne declared, and the moment was over. I immediately skewered a potato on the end of my fork, and then cut it in half. This was how I normally ate at home, but apparently not in this house. Kirsty gave me a few discreet hand signals to tell me to take smaller bites, and I quickly cut up my potatoes into smaller bits.
I kept one eye on Suzanne throughout dinner, whenever it looked like she was about to say something, I would ask a question and make her forget what she was going to say.
?This is a very nice house Mrs Allingham.? I said after about 3 minutes of silence, Suzanne looked up and me and smiled contently.

?It?s not much but we can call it home.? She nodded slowly. ?What?s it going to take to get you to call me Mum huh?? she grinned at me and took a sip of her wine.

I gave her a confused look, what does a boy disguised as a girl say to that?

?Maybe it makes Jaiden uncomfortable, Mum.? Kirsty jumped in, saving me from embarrassment, and now I could think of something to say.

?I don?t really talk to my parents much.? I said with a bit of genuine sadness in my voice. It was true, I didn?t really talk to my mum or dad, and we didn?t really talk to each other if I?m being totally honest.

?Oh you poor thing, I?m so sorry for the whole ?calling me Mum? thing, you can call me anything you want, okay?? Suzanne was genuinely upset for me, or for Jaiden, or both of us, I wasn?t sure.

?Do you mind talking about them Jaiden ? We can talk about something else if you want.? Suzanne asked.

I shrugged at her, confused. I didn?t really know anything about Jaiden?s parents, but she was under the impression that I knew everything about them. I struggled to think of a response, and looked to Kirsty for some guidance.

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