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I'm Fat

I'm over weight. I know it. Oh well. I've done everything I possibly can to lose weight. Guess what? I'm still fat. Oh well!! Nothing else I can do but love me for me and turn my head from the negativity that comes my way.
Screw you
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english · 56-60, M
I have few lady friends who constantly battle and have been years, I dont know what the answer is some people no matter what they try never get results . you think in this day an age it would nt be problem anymore Happy V/day 🌹🍾
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
Im a scrawny man but i dont really care. The gym can wait. I'm a hardcore nerd. I'm reading like all the time. I'm making up for lost time in high school. I mean its not like we live in the stone ages anymore. Brute strength isn't as necessary today as it was many years ago. Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with it neither. The system works just as fine for skinny people like me so there's no rush.
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I just HATE being in a relationship with anyone that has eyes for others. Sorry but it get under my skin. I'm overly jealous...but I'm frank about it. If you got to look at something else no need to be with me. If you like her tits, waist line, and or ass then they might as well just go on else where I don't care how beautiful he or she stare....u might as well be cheating....not only does that effect me mentally but makes my self esteem so fucking low and I have the hate and madness in me that is truly unhealthy.....but I feel like it disrespects me to the one should be judged on how they look but society is shitty and portray what their perfecrion should be.
HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
@UncontrollableThoughts That is true. You see it on tv all the time and in magazines too. Its ok to want an attractive partner but then that begs the question of "what is attractiveness exactly?" Surely and evidently there isn't a one size fits all checklist. My checklist IS different from everyone else's. Personally i can say that physical attractiveness increases when the love towards your partner is there. I've had chicks like me that i didn't originally find physically attractive but their character is what caught my attention. And for some strange reason my eyes eventually saw the physical beauty in them too over time. It grows on you. On a scale of physical attractiveness i first thought of this one chick as a 6 but by the second week we had been hanging out my eyes started seeing an 11/10. Love is strange like that.

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