Hey .. Not at all . Apologies incase you had misunderstood me . Mostly we guys gets scared by beautiful girls . You know , we want to have a glimpse of you , gets lost at the sight of your beautiful face and suddenly we see that you are noticing us and we just get shy or loose the courage of facing you ... That's all my dear friend :)
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Siimilarworldss0 · 26-30, F
@O-sure: bet.
Siimilarworldss0 · 26-30, F
@sandenn: 💜

@O-sure: yeah just got saved :)

You gave him a scare ? :)
Siimilarworldss0 · 26-30, F

:) why would take his eyes of you then .?
Siimilarworldss0 · 26-30, F
You suggesting I'm ugly?
SWisGoingWoke · M
He's nearsighted and got a text.
Siimilarworldss0 · 26-30, F