I Want My Innocence Back

I want my innocence back.
I want to look at the world with wonder.
I want to believe in the best parts of humanity.
I want to BE the best part of humanity.
I want to erase the hurt.
I want to embrace the love.
I want to let go of the ugly.
I want to bathe in the beauty.
I want to release the pain.
I want to absorb the peace.
I want to dance in the rain with arms reaching to the sky, and my tongue stretching out to catch drops of water.
I want to roll down a grassy hill with my best friend and get dizzy and giggle.
I want my days to be filled with silly antics and laughter.
I want to give spontaneous and unexpected care to strangers without hesitation.
I want to just be good. Be simply loving.
I want to believe and be believed in.
I want my innocence back.