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I Know I Am Ugly

I know I'm ugly. It's never been a surprise. My family has called me ugly from day one and even in school, I was aware. I might have been cute as a baby but once I turned 2 or 3 years old, I started to look more and more like my father. And I never managed to grow with my face. I refuse to use any form of make-up and I don't want to dress to impress. I don't care what people think about me anymore. I can't be uncomfortable because of the opinion of people who mean nothing in my life.
But I'm fine with being ugly because if I come across someone who really cares about me, I will know its because of who I am and not because of what I look like. Those people who are classified as good-looking, beautiful or pretty, never know who to trust. Anyone can tell you anything when the world sees you like that but when you look like me, it's easier to figure who's really there for you. That's just how I see it.
I'm fine being ugly. And I'm okay with walking around ugly and people don't like it, they are free to pluck their eye's from their sorry heads because I just don't care anymore.
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lasergraph · 70-79, M
Your photo looks fine to me. But at any rate, we emphasize looks to much, as far as makeup goes remember, paint and varnish are often used to hide rot and decay. What resides under the glitz is what is of value.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I'm not going to comment about what I think you look like. Just remember if you've been called ugly many times in your life, you know out there someone will see nothing but beauty in you.
firefall · 61-69, M
I've noticed a lot of people I consider attractive or better, have a self-image of being ugly through the constant denigration from their families, and when it gets ingrained that young, there's not a lot can be done to shake it loose, I think. Your photo makes you appear pleasant looking, for whatever that's worth.

& you are dead right, that when you know ppl aren't drawn by your looks, their motivations are a lot more reliable. I imagine being asexual must reinforce this a lot further, as you won't get drawn into false imaginings & dreams? (a trap I've repeatedly fallen into).
michelle44 · 56-60, F
I think you look beautiful
Pretty is as pretty does
no u r not
Cowboybob · M
Nobody is truly ugly. We all have a different look
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
I dont know. My sister once was with an ugly guy because she thought that he would not be a player. Not really for who he was since she was wrong: He was same as the others.

I mean look at this site. Bunch of creepy ugly dudes.

I agree to some extend but really, its not about if you are pretty or ugly but about who you chose. Chose wisely.

By the way you dont seem ugly but anyway. I believe that even uglies got married.
SpiritOfSoul · 31-35, F
Ugly is a very ugly word.
Please don't use that word.
Pdad49 · M
You are not fine or you would not talk about it all the time! You are not ugly!
Trevo · 26-30, M
You're not ugly imo
1972pp · M
Your not ugly
BabyLonia · F
How beautifully said. People are cruel, don't mind them or a society that places value in shallowness. You are beautiful. Inside and out.
Montanaman · M
Fucking Fuckers Fuck!!!
That's my anger, reaction to what those who should Love you and build you up, but instead, put you down.
They are to blame. I hold you them solely responsible.
But it breaks my heart, and not pity mind you, but the simple act of empathy and compassion.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
They say that because they’re jealous for some reason, all forms of bullying, the bully has some kind of issue against the person they’re bullying - when people say to you “ are ugly...” reply back “...why have you made that comment...” get them embarrassed that they’ve said it

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