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I Want My Ex Back I Love Him

Its been 10 months since I last saw my ex and I'm still head over heels in love with him. I see him in my dreams, I think of him every night before I go to sleep and he's all I think of when I wake up. I would give anything for us to be together but he's a liar and cheater so I had to let him go. I've cut off all communication with him but he's all I think about. Ugh!! I wish he could just change and be the right man for me.
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Sweetie, he won't ,I waited over 20 years for mine to become the man I needed he never did.
You will be day at a time
Been there with you. Took me nearly half a year to finally forget about him and sometimes he STILL crosses my mind even with me being with someone. Though, I don’t still love him. Sad to say, but I wasn’t over him until I found someone better.
flawedbeauty · 31-35, F
@SW-User We were engaged but I know I'll find someone better.
@flawedbeauty well, it doesn’t change the situation even though you were.
RainBisou · F
Its not easy but you will eventually get over him.
He won't. Move on. While you waste time focusing on someone you know is wrong, you're missing out on a possible "right" partner.
flawedbeauty · 31-35, F
@somethingIsuppose Lol! Girl I'm trying!
somethingIsuppose · 31-35, F
@flawedbeauty well try to keep in mind it's gonna happen eventually so might as well use your time with things you enjoy
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well maybe think about all the lies he has told you and think about all those girls he cheated on you with. But you know what it's his loss he had the best and he let the best get away. So maybe he learned something from you to never ever give up what you have right in front of you because if you take it for granted the next day it will be gone.
A cheater wont change. Never. Let him go, even from your mind.
Planktin01 · 22-25, M
I understand but you need to see that he won't change. He doesn't deserve you. If he comes back he's going to try to woo you back then just break your heart again. I understand your pain, I really do, but it's more than likely he'll cheat on you again. I'm sorry. Better yourself so that scum like him can't get to you again or, better yet, find a man who is worthy of your love.
flawedbeauty · 31-35, F
@Planktin01 well I won't be ready for another relationship anytime soon. I'm just focusing on my career now, moving up the ladder.
Planktin01 · 22-25, M
@flawedbeauty Good, that is one way to better yourself. Give it time nothing heals instantly. If it did than it didn't really hurt. Everything will be fine, I assure you.
Smoulder · 61-69, M
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