JRVanguard · 26-30, M
It’s really very common
I’m actually a phlebotomy student and had a classmate nearly pass out on me during a draw today
A lot of the time it’s just you psyching yourself out
My biggest piece of advice would be just try to talk yourself through the process of the blood draw(cause typically it’s the initial insertion that causes the feeling of nausea and dizziness) and realize that you’re not losing a significant amount of blood and the people drawing your blood are trained in case anything happens
Also please don’t feel embarrassed, most of the people drawing your blood will have had people pass out or possibly even gone into shock from the draw
Oh and be sure to be very vocal to those doing the blood draw if you start to feel any issues, it’s really not worth it to try to tough it out
I hope this helps in any way
If you want to talk more about blood draws I'm happy to, hopefully that can make the process seem less scary if you know more about what’s going on
I’m actually a phlebotomy student and had a classmate nearly pass out on me during a draw today
A lot of the time it’s just you psyching yourself out
My biggest piece of advice would be just try to talk yourself through the process of the blood draw(cause typically it’s the initial insertion that causes the feeling of nausea and dizziness) and realize that you’re not losing a significant amount of blood and the people drawing your blood are trained in case anything happens
Also please don’t feel embarrassed, most of the people drawing your blood will have had people pass out or possibly even gone into shock from the draw
Oh and be sure to be very vocal to those doing the blood draw if you start to feel any issues, it’s really not worth it to try to tough it out
I hope this helps in any way
If you want to talk more about blood draws I'm happy to, hopefully that can make the process seem less scary if you know more about what’s going on
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Tell them before hand, also ask if you can get some stamazine, it's an anti nausea drug that works
Wiseacre · F
Makes no sense..maybe u have low blood volume..u’re not obliged to donate!
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
Some people get lightheaded. You should wait awhile before you stand up
JSmith75 · 46-50, M
Eat a hearty meal before you go to give and drink plenty of water and just relax as much as possible
NoGamesTolerated · F
Eat before you go.