I Want to Know How You Do It
I don’t think it matters what we go through. There’s nothing on this earth that’ll stop me loving you. I could be mad as hell but when I see your face, all the negativity gets displaced. We slip back into us, natural with no boundary, passion burning hotter than a furnace in a foundry. The sadness fades, everything becomes light, and no place on earth is better than your embrace when it’s tight. I don’t know how you do it, how you melt my heart. I know how much of a struggle it is to be apart. But, how can we do nothing yet it be so entertaining? I could just spend hours sitting beside you and you’d hear no complaining as long as my hand was in yours and your lips touched mine. You make the world a better place but you also speed up time 'cause an hour can feel like a minute before our time is done. You make the most mundane tasks feel like fun. That’s why it’s so hard when we separate to our respective life. In a heartbeat, no question, I’d make you my wife. For life together would be perfect, never a dull moment. You are the key to everything, the companion for my soul.