DarkCrazyArtistGeekGamer · 31-35, F
No, I'm a Scorpio too & my best friends have been Scorpios too :)
Ian123 · 61-69, M
Scorpio’s may have a stinger but us Sagittarians have a bow and arrow so watch out 😀😀
DarkCrazyArtistGeekGamer · 31-35, F
@Ian123 🏹🐎
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
I'm a scorpio *readies my stinger
OogieBoogie · F
I'm a Taurus - I'm dumb enuff and big enuff to probably ignore it 👍😊
Palumbo98lucrezia · 26-30, F
@OogieBoogie it's all bs, but the personality descriptions are intriguing