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I Love Skyrim

I am a hardcore Stormcloak extremist. While I don't entirely agree with everything Ulfric Stormcloak says, he has the right idea. I used to think that Skyrim and the Empire needed each other in order to survive, and that may be true, however, this is the beginning of something new.

The Empire used to perfect, strong, well-governed, fair, and had no equal in the world. That is no longer the case. The Empire has been in strong decline since the Great War, rather, since the end of the Septim dynasty. Any time before that, I would have stood by the Empire's side without thinking twice, now, that isn't true. The last true Emperor died during the Oblivion Crisis, all that the Empire has had since were jokes, fakes. The Empire is a dying husk of the glory it once held, when Tiber Septim conquered all of Tamriel.

In my opinion, Tamriel ought the be ruled by a Nord. In my opinion, We Nord's are the only people in Tamriel with the honor, dedication, and strength fit for the Empire. The Imperials are all business people, doing things only for monetary gain and have no real loyalty to anyone but themselves. The Nord's also undoubtedly have the most seasoned warriors out of all the races, with the Nordic 8th Legion being the best Legionnaires the army has ever seen. People tend to forget that it was the Nord's who first brought mankind to Tamriel, and both the Breton and Imperial races owe their thanks to us. If Ysgramor hadn't braved the Sea of Ghosts, there would be no Empire.

What needs to be done, is that the Empire needs to fall so a new one can be put into place. Skyrim needs to brake off from the Empire, and consolidate it's own power as it has done in ages past. Leave the Empire to rot and sink, without dragging Skyrim down with it. The next task is to disable the Aldmeri Dominion from causing any more trouble. And that means war. I have no doubt that Skyrim can handle the Aldmeri Dominion, they will cry and beg for mercy at our feet. And we will give them none. After the Dominion and the Thalmor have been subdued, any province of Tamriel that does not immediately bow to Skyrim will face the same steel and iron that the Thalmor surrendered to.

Preferably, the less war, the better. War is bad, but in these times is a necessary part of life. However, everyone should take as many steps as they can to try to preserve as much life as possible. It'll take everyone working together to rebuild Tamriel after these dark days. Everyone. Hopefully, once the Dominion has been taken care of, all the provinces can work together to form a new Empire. I don't know if Ulfric Stormcloak should be Emperor, but everyone needs to work together on this. I would only hope that the first emperor is a Nord. Besides the reasons I already gave above for wanting a Nord emperor, think of it as forgiveness.

The Nord's have been some of the most wronged people, and its time we take back what is ours!

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I'm a khajiti, the sands of time shall see us all. We mustn't be at war with another. The true enemy is the malignant daedra. All of except our praised skooma cat aka shegorath.
xKybax · 26-30, M
If you didn't want to be at war, then you boulder have side with the Elves, cat.
Argonian assassin with magic

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