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I Don't Follow Fashion Trends

I'm A 15 Year Old Girl With Indifference To Fashion.... Fashion is a waste of money. If I still fit in it, and it isn't too torn up or revealing, I don't buy new clothing. Only things I like getting are graphic tees, usually before school starts, or designing my own graphic tees. I wear stuff from when i was in fifth grade, and I'm in 10th grade now. I haven't grown an inch since fourth grade, but I've gotten chubbier, and it's the only reason I got more clothing. My family knows not to get me clothing or jewelry. I hate wearing jewelry, unless it's a cute little thing made of electronic components. Then it reflects my personality, and I'll wear it. I have a pair of v-reg earrings that I made. I don't think they work anymore. I touched them too much. Per year, I spend... about 20 bucks on clothing, 20 bucks on movies... and that's pretty much it. The rest of my money, I spend on my experiments. Now THAT'S something worth spending money on. A Tesla Coil is far more impressive than someone's clothing they didn't even stitch together. You won't be able to say: "I built/stiched that." Unless you are given the materials to design your own clothing or stitch it together on your own, and you do so, it's only one percent as cool as a Tesla Coil. One lasts one year. The other... well, Nikola Tesla's original Tesla Coil is still operative, 160 years later in the Tesla Museum in Croatia. Fashion is a useless, stupid thing that I vow to NEVER get caught into, and if anything, I'll be designing my own weird science-related fashions. Hopefully I'll get famous, and a company I'll make will market a lot of different things, my own fashion trends being one. My slogan will be "Science is Sexy." Because. IT IS. Science is the sexiest thing I can have as a woman. If I can't impress a guy with my smarts, he's not good enough for me. A woman doesn't need looks to get a guy. I'm not ugly, and I'm not pretty. But I'm smart, and I'd like a guy that likes high voltage.
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Don't knock fashion. Dressing oneself is an art, and fashion is one branch of this art. Anti-fashion, like you seem to be into, is just another branch. So, whichever you choose, do it thoughtfully, expressively and (above all) artistically.
TetrisGuy · 26-30, M
I'm more of an "I'll wear whatever I pull out of the closet" kind of gal, haha :P
I agree. Fashion is rubbish. Better to get something that's timeless. Hell, when you do that, you stand out anyway. I hope you succeed in your ambition to create a line of scientific, electric and fashionable clothes. XD
But damn yeah! I've never believed in looks meaning much. Intelligence, or at least the ability to be interesting, is the only truly attractive quality. Well, mostly. The tendency to offer free cake is also nice. :P
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