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I Am Naturally Thin and People Think I Am Anorexic

I get criticized for it. Even my mom's friend thought I was too thin. It's like just because I'm thin they think I need to eat. My mom's friends thought I was looking too thin. She said, "You're looking a bit too thin sweetheart. Let me fix you something to eat." I told her no thanks. But she insisted that she does. That irritated me so much. I said NO THANK YOU. I had just ate. I'm naturally slim okay? I'm 5'5 and 124lbs. I'm slender built. Now if someome was anorexic I understand but I'm it anorexic. Is being naturally thin a bad things nowadays?
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
Get used to it or set your mind to let other peoples opinions roll off your back like water off a duck .
Society does not seem to understand any longer (and maybe it is from making everyone into clones at school )
but others being different than us is the thing that makes life special .

We learn from one another ,get introduced to new things ,even have some of our core beliefs challenged so we can see different perspectives
But today we have one extreme or the other ,there is no middle ground

Same goes with weight
why some think it is their personal mission to attack and hurt people that they see as "Overweight ",and on your side of the coin "underweight "

In my life I am now somewhat a lonely man
I no longer let people tell me how I should live ,,
if I am comfortable living below my proven potential ,so be it ,I now love the simple life
I don't need toys I don't have time to enjoy to show I am successful
I no longer drink ,thats for me ,I am not antisocial
I am straight ,,I have gay friends ,but I chose to be the man I was born to be
I am a Christian but I am not religious ,meaning I serve God not doctrines of a church
I am a single Dad ,
some say I was to strict ,but 2 daughters come home pregnant and not married so I say maybe I was not strict enough
I rarely get mad ,some say I am to easy going ,some when I am mad I am over the top
You see my point ,,and God help us when we factor in experience and formal education and IQ's and personality .

You can be tactful and sometimes just keep your opinion to yourself
or when just pushed and pushed ,stand up for who you are
but in life someone is always going to try to force you into their mold

Get used to it ,but always be you
They are not living your life you are ,,paint the picture how you like it
some will like it ,,some won't ,,such is life ,we can't please everyone
especially clones ,,they were trained so all of them could go in one box .
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
@mrbuddhawannabe she isn't ,she has went through a growth spurt since that pic and with high heels she is pretty slim ,her wrists are pretty small
But she takes down her cousin that is 6'3" like his is nothing
but granted he would never hurt her on purpose ,but we play rough ,we sing loud .
I mean eatpraylove no disrespect ,,I guess her family does not have funny names for each other ,but its all good
Lots of men would do anything for her ,but she is not a user ,
She knows she could wrap them and play with their emotions ,but she is just not that way ,,she has the kindest heart ,very forgiving .
She is going into marine biology ,she wants to save the whales ,work with dolphins ,but for now she is going to be a "Hair care specialist "
She has been promised a job working for her boyfriends Mom when she gets her license ,she is loved by his family too ,I am the only one who calls her that and she knows why and Papaw is only playing ,,but like my post about people leaving kids in the car because they are distracted ,I always get one that wants to make me out to be some kind of a bad guy ,,
I was a bad guy ,,the man I am now ,well my family speaks for itself.I am no longer that guy ,,my family is just glad I am still here ,I almost wasn't .

Even the pastor said at my Granddaughters baptism ,,for all my grandkids and kids to all be like they are ,"someone did something right "
My baby posts ever night how much she loves her family
Thanks her Mom and Papaw for being there for her ,she has a key that most kids that run off and come home knocked up are lacking ,she has a whole family in her corner ,,
Her Dad may not have ever been there for her (and she shows him respect even when he would rather go to jail then pay one dime of child support but now she is grown his problem is only with the state now ,her Mom did a great job seeing she had everything she needed .
She has not been molested by an Uncle like her Mom was,
and she has had a decent step Dad ,she was there and took very good care of him while he fought and beat cancer ,,she enabled her mom not to worry as she worked to pay all the bills
It will take a lot more than a nick name to hurt my baby ,she knows she is needed ,she is very loved .
That uniform is Path Finder ,,which is a youth club for Sabbath keeping teens
She has been hurt more by well meaning Christians telling her she keeps the wrong Sabbath day ,,,than she ever will be by a name only I call her
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@TeenGirl01 If it really is bothering you ,
then ask your Mom to speak to him and let him know it hurt/offended you
My comments are only to say today young people are getting way to thin skinned
and in a world that is getting colder and crueler everyday ,its not good to let such things get to you .
Black people used to call their kids and friends names on purpose ,it was known as shooting the dozens
So when a white man made comments that normally should hurt them ,it didn't
I have been tough on my family in the eyes of some .
But my kids would just bless you for talking smack to them and tell you they will pray for you ,its sure not ruining their day .
We are all used to people saying we are brain washed ,keep the wrong Sabbath ,
doing things to intentionally hurt us
Just so they can say
"See we know you people are not as tolerant as you pretend " We knew we could make you mad
No mess with my family I am liable to kill you ,God is not done with me yet
I am still a man that used to take crap off no one ,but I try to be humble now
But for the most part ,we let it all roll off our backs
but we are human ,,but we are more capable than most at keeping our cool
We have been attacked and intentionally hurt every since God asked why I oppose Him and showed me a man changed His Commandments ,not Him
Try being a kid picked on just because of the day you go to church .

Later I will delete all these comments ,I did not mean to take over your posts
I really only meant to support your feeling and help if I could ,offering an alternative to letting it upset you ,,I never meant to turn it into anything about me and my family
But I am passionate about my beliefs and my family ,,
I do tend to go on about both ,
I do apologize for all the long comments on your post ,
I do get it was about you being hurt over a comment ,,I didn't forget that
mrbuddhawannabe · 56-60, M
Most people equate love with food. Plus most people are uncomfortable with slender people. I think it is an unconscious jealousy thing. Thin is healthier anyway.
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rokrchik1211 · 26-30, F
I'm thin too. Sometimes people tell me that as well. Your fine. Usually people who are anorexic have a different look to them
mrbuddhawannabe · 56-60, M
@eatpraylove The point is to illustrate what anorexic girls look like. They are beyond "thin."
eatpraylove · 56-60, F
@mrbuddhawannabe she is 5'-5" 125 pounds. I am 5'-5" 105 pounds. neither one of us is anorexic. people need to mind their business.
mrbuddhawannabe · 56-60, M
@eatpraylove Let me clarify. TeenGirl01 was complaining about how people think of her as anorexic. By posting what anorexic looks like illustrates that she is not anorexic.
eatpraylove · 56-60, F
you are definitely not anorexic. don't listen too much to what fat people tell you. they are mostly just jealous.
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