666Maggotz · F
Ha! The worst part is trying to get out of poverty. I always feel like I’m getting hit with brick walls and the escape to stability is impossible. Where I live there is no public transportation,
IndigoSavage · 22-25, F
@666Maggotz I am sorry ror you and I wish you luck
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
I'd say not having an own place to live. Having moved all the 30 years of my life on earth, that's the worst feeling ever.
Knowing that every one has a place called home and you don't have one.
Knowing that every one has a place called home and you don't have one.
chrisCA · M
I am sure public transit in other countries is much better than in other places. It is taken by everyone, not just low income people.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
No because in Portland metro the Trains are usually either empty or filled with people it's safe to travel amongst.
Some women will report a lot of drug use and occasionally there are news reports about druggies but it's like.
You feel uncomfortable around meth heads and I feel like, Eh, I just avoid them.
If I was on train with them I'd just get as far away from them on and maybe get off at next stop and then back on the next train. same thing with the buses.
even if you have a car sometimes you use public transit just to not have to be the one to deal with traffic.
forest grove seems pissed off that max brought that shit on through this area but honestly I haven't personally seen much of it. No doubt oregon has issues with meth, it's not like other places though that got hit way worse.
Some women will report a lot of drug use and occasionally there are news reports about druggies but it's like.
You feel uncomfortable around meth heads and I feel like, Eh, I just avoid them.
If I was on train with them I'd just get as far away from them on and maybe get off at next stop and then back on the next train. same thing with the buses.
even if you have a car sometimes you use public transit just to not have to be the one to deal with traffic.
forest grove seems pissed off that max brought that shit on through this area but honestly I haven't personally seen much of it. No doubt oregon has issues with meth, it's not like other places though that got hit way worse.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
There is a connection?
Elessar · 26-30, M
It's easy, leave daddy's credit card at home and find out yourself lol
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
For me, its the inability to really give back to my mom and living in the ghetto amongst people with certain mindsets