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I Believe Kids Should Have Chores

What are Saturday mornings / days in your house? Are Saturday mornings a time for kid to sit around in pajamas and watch TV or a time for kids to do Chores (or some combination of the two)?

Happy to chat/message. We are from Texas.
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TexChik · F
My son homeschools every day unless he has a scouting trip . He cleans his room , takes out the trash , and can vacuum . I grew up on a farm ... chores were a necessity
Johnbtexas · 51-55, M
@TexChik That is good to hear! Saturdays end up being a mix in our home. Some relax time and chores as well.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
It was a chores morning for me. I had daily chores but weekly ones were done on Saturday morning and no fun or chaning from chores outfit until they wre finished properly.
Johnbtexas · 51-55, M
@MrsPeterEvans Half the time the early mornings more relaxed cuz kids have friends who spend Friday nights here sleeping over or kids at a friends house or some combination but agree Saturday is a good day for chores. Kids are out of pajamas here and now doing chores.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
@Johnbtexas how old are they Sir?
Uncle · 46-50, M
Saturdays are usually relaxed. I insist that all assigned and necessary tasks have been completed by Friday evening so that Saturday is free for proper family time.
Jace07 · M
No Saturday chores in our house. If I work in the garden at Saturday, it's always voluntary.
our chores are setup so that we need to have them done on certain days. that way we have saturday more freed up to do family stuff. and yeah being able to wake up later and watch tv on saturday is cool.
With mom she had no problem with Saturday and Sunday being a day for relaxing and video games. But with my stepdad he wanted me to work hard on the weekends LOTS of chores to “earn” my meals
Lofms · M
Pajamas in morning, family time kids watch some TV, but after breakfast is chore time. I am supervising younger siblings at that right now. Happy to chat y'all.
connormelton · 18-21, M
I usually get all of my chores out of the way during the week and hang out with my friends on Saturdays.
alabamasj · M
A little of both.

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