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I Get Angry At Stupidity

Wasting hard earned taxpayers money gets my blood boiling. Now almost every leader on this Earth do that to a certain extent. But none is more hilariously absurd like this. Read this link for an amazing and in depth take down of epic stupidty. Of course Obamabots will get their jimmies rustled.
Shashenka · 26-30, M
True but sub-saharan Africa is a major recruiting area for various terrorist groups such as ISIS and numerous warlords. One of the ways in which they recruit people is by finding desperate destitute groups of people and dividing them by blaming all of the problems they face on another group of people usually a minority group such as the LGBT community much like Hitler did to the jewish people. In addition they also try to blame the problems they face on foreigners such as Americans and Europeans using as evidence such as the countless civilian deaths our military drone strikes, bombings, and military raids have caused. Thus one of the best ways to prevent such recruitments is demonstrations of soft power by the United States through things such as diplomacy, aid workers, preventing hate, helping rebuild. This does four things for us. First it helps disprove terrorist propaganda about us being evil. Secondly it helps unify the people for a common goal making it much harder for them to be mislead by terrorist groups in the future. Thirdly it helps give them hope for the future thus again not be as easily misled by terrorism in the future. Finally it also gives us much greater influence over the people im the region because when they become a successful part of the international community they will remember it was the United States that helped get them their and thus will be more likely to listen to us and help us with our goals in the region in the future. Thus it is a very sound strategy in the long term and it is much much cheaper than a military intervention not to mention it makes us look great on the world stage!
Shashenka · 26-30, M
Is anyone even going to address what I said or actually have a good debate about this or are we just going to continue insulting each other?
I can see how that is a good thing. Our government spends money on far more ridiculous things. Thanks for explaining for me.
firefall · 61-69, M
You do realise that that is propaganda, not news, right?
UnderTheBridge · 51-55, M
Is the main stream media a propaganda tool?
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OWT I can't recall saying anyone is wrong. Can you point where I said that? I'm holding my breath. Now my question, why not use the huge amount of money to cure US's many ills like I don't know Blacks poverty rate, unemployment, fixing VA etc. It's cute how you attack me ad homienm tho😌
It's not just Obama. Bush wasted a shit ton of money too.
Shashenka · 26-30, M
First off promoting unity between people and thus reducing strife and tensions is never a bad thing as that is how you stop conflicts before they arise thus saving money in the long run. Secondly that doesn't seem like the most balanced and unbaised source.
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Shashenka · 26-30, M

No problem happy to help! I'm currently majoring in policy at college so I know a lot about that stuff!
I'll remember that. It's hard to find people
Who don't just get angry and start insulting if they even THINK you disagree with them on something. Jesus Christ we are in trouble when we can't even talk about things like this.
Shashenka · 26-30, M
I know exactly what you mean! Its absolutely insane! By the way mind if I add you I just joined two days ago and you seem like a pretty cool person to have an intelligent conversation with! Also that way if you ever want to have a debate/have a question about something like this I could answer it for you.
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Shashenka · 26-30, M
Fair enough must not have spotted it while I was typing sorry!
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I still don't know if you're referring to me being her pal, I don't know her or agree with her on the lgbt thing, I just pointed out that our government wastes money and people don't seem to care. If you think me stating the fact that our government wastes money means I'm a hateful troll I just don't even know what else to say because it's true. And people disagreeing with you doesn't make them a troll holy crap we can't even talk about shit without people getting angry because someone disagrees with them. We are doomed.
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It seems like most Americans don't care about the government wasting money.
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Experienceman11 · 56-60, M
Complete waste of taxpayers money!
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Hope you're not referring to me. I live in America.
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@Hippy exactly. You can see Obama worshipers doing mental gymnastics to defend their anointed one. They don't care Africans don't even support LGBT. They don't care that colossal money could have used to address urgent crises. But no! Obama is always right!!
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OWT Majority of Africans don't want LGBT. If only you read the link you would have known that(evidently you don't😏). Further, why can't a Singaporean like me cannot discuss about Obama's failures? You rayyycciiist!!!!!😢
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Genuinely wondering how it would save money in the long run?
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OTW yup exactly not my money. Thus I make fun of it rather than getting angry!😉
So pointing out a flaw of a leader is now considered "causing strife". That's some hardcore logic right there. Twat....
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
oh yes it was only obama and it never happened in any other administration nor does it happen in any other country.

yep.. that's exactly how it has been all these decades.

Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OTW your intellect is evident by the way you spell "knowlage"😳. I'm not deciding. Merely pointing out the absurdity of promoting LGBT is a place where the natives don't even want it😌
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@Shashenka makes sense if that money is used to promote LGBT in America. But in SubSaharan Africa? Don't ya think that huge money can be used to uplift African American community?
" There are two things in life that are finite, the universe and the stupidity of people and I'm not so sure about the universe " Albert Einstein
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OWT blind cannot read unless it's Braille! So you agree that American taxpayers money being flushed down the toilet to promote LGBT in foreign country?
Shashenka · 26-30, M

Thanks but trading barbs and insults instead of just feeding salient points will just feed the troll in my opinion but your free to do what you want!
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@firefall News that don't comply with your worldview is false propaganda. Yup makes sense. Totally
Kasthuri · 31-35, F
@OWT I can already imagine spittle flying from the corner of your mouth as you type that.

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