Carla1951 · 70-79, F
Keep in mind that not everyone is able to remain on line 24/7. If someone asks a question and it doesn't apply to me I wont respond.
I'm, here because I don't sleep well. I wake early out of habit AND due to my former work schedule; Retirement is boring too.
Angus, this is a place where anyone can blow off steam. Here I am, most the time unable to even recall how old I am. (66)
I have allowed my hair to grow. Most everyone I encounter hates it. I had my hair waste length when I was in my teens Got mad and cut it all off. Did that 3 times now. It's long again and so many are telling me to cut it.
I think I will instead step over the bodies and make my own decisions.
I would like to think when someone asks a question, I can respond and give them a sense of hope. Isn't THAT what we all need?
I'm, here because I don't sleep well. I wake early out of habit AND due to my former work schedule; Retirement is boring too.
Angus, this is a place where anyone can blow off steam. Here I am, most the time unable to even recall how old I am. (66)
I have allowed my hair to grow. Most everyone I encounter hates it. I had my hair waste length when I was in my teens Got mad and cut it all off. Did that 3 times now. It's long again and so many are telling me to cut it.
I think I will instead step over the bodies and make my own decisions.
I would like to think when someone asks a question, I can respond and give them a sense of hope. Isn't THAT what we all need?

It's good that your honest but these things take time. I mean the 'getting to know someone'. For me personally I like to take my time with that sort of thing. I like to know the character of the person, see if we have anything in common, sense of humour, that sort of thing. Then again, we're all different... good luck anyway.
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
Thank you and you're right of course. Maybe I was just in a down mood because as you can see, I'm still here.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
@AngusBrown: I like to write. For now I am into Poetry. I have one book, I wrote and had published. Unfortunately to buy the copy-write, was too far out of my range. It's currently on
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
I have one disturbing Story/book I began that is not something I want to go into at the moment. Because I don't even know why or how I might have come up with these thoughts. It's about a kidnaped child that is brutally beaten repetitively.
Question of other writers. Do you sometimes find yourself writing out of your genre or comfort zone?
Question of other writers. Do you sometimes find yourself writing out of your genre or comfort zone?
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
Angus, not everyone has the same thing in common. I don't have a lot to say on my own. I do enjoy responding to questions asked. My responses may not be accurate but they are my thoughts.
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
I much prefer to carry on any conversation in private by direct messages rather than in the comments section of postings.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
I come in when I need to VENT. actions ...usually poor ones done by me that causes me upset. I need someone to encourage me that within TIME we sit in the paths of others, when learning we still can seek encouraging words.
I had a good life. I learn from my past. I can look at myself from the outside and am aware I am getting older, becoming senile, but not willing to give up. Not Yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I had a good life. I learn from my past. I can look at myself from the outside and am aware I am getting older, becoming senile, but not willing to give up. Not Yet. Maybe tomorrow.
AmataBene · F
not true
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
its not as easy to converse privately as it was on EP. I truely miss that too.
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SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
[@AngusBrown @AngusBrown I would love to chat with you. I am just not sure if I am doing this correctly.
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
@SplitOfAuthority you should go to my page and click on the message button and text me from there.
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
Ok. I will try it
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
I agree. But I'm very new to this. How do you do a private message,
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
Just click on my message that I sent you and there should be a reply box at the top above my message.@SplitOfAuthority
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
not seeing it .... sucks
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
It'll be on your page somewhere. It should have a red circle with a number in it indicating how many messages are waiting for you.@SplitOfAuthority
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
True. I dislike interrogations.
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
I'm sorry your having that experience. Being ignored sucks
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
I did send you a text
SplitOfAuthority · 56-60, F
@AngusBrown you did? I hate to be a dunce, but how do I retrieve it? I'm on the app
AngusBrown · 70-79, M
There should be an envelope icon indicating you have a message waiting.@SplitOfAuthority