pianoisland · 31-35, M
Oh you :3 I enjoy our conversations. Racism still exists, but it is pretty weak compared to what it used to be. The point he is making though is that this new us vs them mentality surrounded by political beliefs is causing much more harm than good in our current day society. The most hard hitting thing he says is that we aren't having discussions in order to learn, teach, and find the best outcome, we are just getting angry at each other, and embracing our confirmation biases.
bijouxbroussard · F
I can see some points. I do think it's ironic that the narrator used the example of Democrats accepting a plan because it was labelled as authored by 'liberals" and rejecting the same plan proposed by "conservatives" because that's basically what the GOP did when they fought "Obamacare" after having lauded "Romneycare". But we do have to talk about it, if things have any hope of improving. On EP I once asked the question, "when you say, 'I'm a liberal (conservative, moderate)' what ideological points are you identifying ?" Mostly people used the question as an opportunity to bash the other side rather than to affirm their own beliefs. I'm sure I'd be no better, to be honest; I've witnessed a lot of unwarranted ugliness, especially directed at the First Family, in the name of conservatism, which has colored my views.
pianoisland · 31-35, M
Yeah, the current political climate is ridiculous. I don't identify with any parties or ideologies because of it.
The Obamacare/Romneycare fact is pretty hilarious, but so depressing at the same time.
The Obamacare/Romneycare fact is pretty hilarious, but so depressing at the same time.
bijouxbroussard · F
I think he oversimplifies the issue. Many younger people don't recognize racism and sexism for it is anymore. Some accept stereotypes as fact, which is why some people of color argue that racism doesn't exist anymore, some women don't believe feminism is relevant, and why they label themselves conservatives.