TexChik · F
You SJW's are amazing. Not following police instructions after forming a mob will get you special attention . Something rational intelligent people avoid .
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@NinaSilver: I believe it's following the Northern Border Pipeline. They're crossing the river in virtually the same spot. In which case, they're protesting putting a pipeline where one already exists. I'm not saying it's right or wrong either way, but it seems weird to protest the pipeline if there's already one there.
NinaSilver · 26-30, F
@NoOneYouKnow: The existence of another pipeline is the reason, or at least the main reason, they're protesting. It's all the other stuff.
NinaSilver · 26-30, F
@NoOneYouKnow: I found a thing + an external link on United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians
Beachlover · M
Thankyou for the update no mention of it in the Australian Press , I Stand in spirit with the Standing Rock Protesters.
NinaSilver · 26-30, F
If you can afford it, their website includes a donation link.
Beachlover · M
Goralski · 56-60, M
Its Fucked up