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I Have Come To Believe Female Suffrage Has Been A Disaster

Women are such emotional driven creatures that most of them don’t have a logical bone in their body. Don’t get me- the way women were created was just right. I’m just saying there’s a reason women were created as helpers to men.

Let’s look at some arguments that have come to pass from Anti-suffragist.

“If women could vote,they’d divorce their husbands. They’d leave their children and maybe turn criminal. They’d hide ballots up their sleeves and commit voter fraud”. -NewsOk

Unfortunately, this statement is painfully true. The family dynamic continues to suffer.

“If we took away a women’s right to vote,we’d never have to worry about another Democratic president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting stupidly, at least single women”. -Ann Coulter

Now, Ann Coulter is one smart woman.
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Ynotjenn · F
It's cute that you're so young and think you have such profound thoughts. And you think the family dynamic suffers because of women? 😂

No other words are needed.
Brawny · 46-50, M
You don’t know very women, do you...
JerseyGal · 56-60, F
Yet, some women are the ones that support the family, pay the bills, etc.
So for those families, the man should not vote based on who is bringing "home the money". 😏
The saddest thing is that in 2018 anyone would still even question that women are thinking, reasoning fellow human beings. We are, and we always have been. We have dreams, and newsflash—for some of us they’re not all tied into kinder, kuche, kirsche . Ann Coulter is a bit of a hypocrite, considering that she’s not giving up her vote and letting conservative men take her in the direction that she thinks society should go, whilst she retires to the kitchen. 😏
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I agree with you. The distaff side should not have the vote.
TexChik · F
Hmmm your authority and mommy issues fit the profile of a serial killer/rapist ... all except for your age . You’re a little young yet. Do you still live with your mother ? Kill animals in the back yard ? Hate women but want them at the same time ? Pathetic !
TexChik · F
@Vendetta so only men are human and can seek counsel from god? Women are not worthy ? Troll on dude
Vendetta · 31-35, M
I never said that. See there you go.@TexChik
TexChik · F
@Vendetta you implied it half a dozen times .

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