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I Loved You Then, I Love You Now And I Will Love You Always

My darling Linda, you were my wife, my lover, my confidant, my compass, my guiding light, you were my best friend. I want to thank you for the best 31 years any man could have, thank you for sharing your precious life with me. My heart broke the day you passed away & even after all this time I love you, miss you & will never forget you.
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nojudging · 61-69, M
A beautiful tribute to an obviously beautiful & deserving woman. This pulls at my heart strings as I have not so long ago been in the same situation. Condolences & best wishes to you in the journey ahead.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Thank you so much
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
Such beautiful words. How very special
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@Sassygirl42 thank you so much.
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
My words haven't changed. You had such a great love. You were so blessed. And you have your offspring. Pieces of her and of you together. What joy! She watches over you. And that is beyond words. Light a candle tonight and watch its flame burn so high. She is near you always, in heart, in mind. And she would want you to think on how wonderful it was. Treasure those memories, always.
coolnudist · 70-79, M
So sorry for your loss!!! I had a Linda that I felt the same way about! But she walked out and left me one night while I was at work, for another man!
helenS · 36-40, F
I’m reading these touching words more than a year after they’ve been written. I believe you will feel the same today, just the same.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@helenS I do and more. Thank you so much for your time to read this and comment as you have .
While heart wrenching that she is gone, how wonderful to have had her for 31 years. More than many others get.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Thank you.
Paulena · 70-79, M
Oh honey, I am so sorry for your loss!
Raffie · 61-69, F
A true testament to a soulmated relationship. Your love transcends time and space and she will be waiting for you when you cross that bridge into eternity.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Thank you I believe so as well
Raffie · 61-69, F
@cd4259: for a love so great will never end! You truly received a precious gift, thank you for sharing your heartfelt story!
malecynthia · 80-89, M
So sorry. I feel for you as we have been married for 55 years and are still just as happy as we were when we got engaged. She has had three cancers and I have had one, but have not let them interfere with our life, apart from my prostate removal rendering me completely impotent. Being in our 70s, sex has been replaced by kinky behaviour. I now crossdress in private and enjoy physical pain, especially on my nipples. Three of her lady friends now join my wife in treating me as their slave and the five of us lead a very happy lifestyle.
I truly feel for your sorrow. My wife and I feel we would be incapable of one of us living without the other.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@malecynthia thanks so much. You are so very lucky to have each other.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@malecynthia massive gentle hugs and kisses to you both.
Longlegs2014 · 61-69, M
How sad for your loss. Perhaps the years you had together may be of some comfort to you in your loss.
Outdoorfreedom · 56-60, M
Sorry for your loss. Sounds like a wonderful lady.
cd4259 · 61-69, M
@Outdoorfreedom yes she was. Hard to believe that it's been five years since she passed away.
npcol66 · 56-60, M
I feel sorry for. I'm so sorry 😓
sgrizzo48 · 31-35, M
i'm sorry about your loss *hug* <3
Easygoing1 · 61-69, M
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Thank you
Ozdharma · 61-69, M
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
So beautiful

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