Lostinthefog · 51-55, M
I'm an inventory control manager for a small retail company. I like the job, and some of the benefits, especially having a flexible schedule and the opportunity to work from home once in awhile. But I've been here 6 years, asked to fix inventory issues, but others, who have been here much longer, go crying back to the owners when I try to fix issues, and he allows them to go back to the way they were doing it, so nothing ever gets fixed. I've been applying for jobs consistently the last 4 years, but only had a handful of interviews that went nowhere. So, I'm just giving up
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Serenitree · F
@Lostinthefog Giving up in your early forties isn't the best thing you can do. You have at least another twenty or more years of working ahead, unless you've built up a healthy retirement fund and can retire at fifty.
Lostinthefog · 51-55, M
I've considered the consulting. Just not really sure how to get started.
Serenitree · F
[@with the internet it should be a lot easier to start then it was for me in the 1980s.
Google how to start a consulting business in inventory control. I'm betting you will find some advice if not some detailed instructions on getting a business license and a tax number.
Google how to start a consulting business in inventory control. I'm betting you will find some advice if not some detailed instructions on getting a business license and a tax number.
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
Maybe because its the life that you choose and maybe its for the best, but not because it would be impossible to do otherwise.
Serenitree · F
What kind of work is it? Do you enjoy it? If not, why do you feel compelled to stick with it?