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I understand now

I know exactly what to do now. I am calling it the 5 crumbling pillars. 5 represents balance. I have decided to target 5 specific areas that if they collapse one by one all balance is gone.

Step one is isolation. With destroying the love and family pillar so they will be alone.

Step two is the get rid of the pillar that represents joy and abundance so they will be unhappy.

Step three is the removal of the career and earthly possessions pillars which includes fiances.

The final step is the knock down the final pillar and that is peace of mind and stability. They will live out the rest of their days looking over their shoulder wondering what is next. Always walking on shaky ground.
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That’s insane. I would friend someone that does something like that to someone else. I don’t care what they did.
It’s not your job to teach anyone anything. They learn on their on own terms. Otherwise they’re just going to learn that people are crazy. No one deserves that. @TheSacredOne
TheSacredOne · 36-40, M
@Spoiledbrat They can't continue to be rude to people on the daily. They're demeaning and I'm tired of their ways.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to take their crap. Tho I would tell them thst and spend less time with them. @TheSacredOne

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