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I Hate Being Drunk

I let my anxiety get the best if me last night and got drunk. It was fun and games at first. Then I got sick and threw up on my poor carpet floor. I just got finished washing it all out but the smell is still kinda there. So I guess I'll just buy a nice-smelling detergent or something tomorrow because it is night time where I am.

Well on the bright side, I made it through what had been worrying me. The only problem I had was that I drank so much last night that I was still drunk throughout the morning! I was actually dizzy, swaying, having trouble walking right, and slurred my words so I had to pretend to be a normal human being. Who would have thought that one day I'd have to pretend I was normal?? Not me! But I pulled it off by some miracle and said as little as I could when I talked to coworkers. No one even suspected I was acting strange! How did I do it, I felt so messed up!

Anyway by lunch break I felt okay again. Just a bit light headed but okay. By the time everyone went out to dinner in celebration for a good day at work I felt like my confident self again.

I'm glad I braved it instead of running away. Running would have just made things worse, it's always better to face and tackle your fears! I shouldn't have drank at all :)

I just found a big unfinished can of alcohol on my bedside table. I had placed it there drunk so I had completely forgotten about it. I don't want to drink again for a looong time so I'm probably just going to pour the rest down the kitchen sink. Yep, that's a great idea!
I know how you feel. I used to do that but suffer too much the next day. I'm a very social drinker now. After a drink or two I switch to 7UP, easier on your head the next day.
Lololololol that's what people always say

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