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I Am A Skunkseeker

I’ve kinda always been curious what it’s like to be sprayed by a skunk, I secretly really don’t mind the smell and it’s just one of those things I think I’d like to experience.
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Tybron · 41-45, M
I think you might actually enjoy it if the smell doesn't bug you, it's something I always recommend at least once to anyone that's genuinely curious, just for the experience.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Peewwww. I was going to say something bad but I'm going refrain from saying it. Sorry
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ED2of6 heck no but Duke has
ED2of6 · 36-40, M
And you had to deal with it personally I assume.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ED2of6 no my Dad did 😂
AshleyCutie13 · 26-30, F
I got skunked last year and it was not fun at all. Trust me! It took weeks for the smell to fully erase itself from my body even with the skunk off remedies I used.
ED2of6 · 36-40, M
@AshleyCutie13 If you don't mind me asking out of curiosity, what's the story of how you encountered the stinky little critter and got sprayed?
Tybron · 41-45, M
@AshleyCutie13 I've been doing this continuously since 2011, and have pretty much mastered deodorizing. I don't know what methods you used (in my experience, most commercial remedies like Skunk-Off, Nature's Miracle Skunk Remover, and OdorXit, etc. are just about worthless), but the H202+Baking Soda+Dish soap method does work, but depending on how badly you're sprayed and how long the oils had to seep into your pores, it can take multiple latherings. These days I take no chances and will alternate in the tub between lathering the solution into all sprayed skin and hair, waiting 5 minutes for it to work then rinsing it out with really warm water, scrubbing with warm soap and water to re-open the pores (in order to let any trapped skunk scent out of the pores, this is SUPER important) and lathering again. I also make sure to have a window open in the bathroom if possible so I can let the skunk odor out and filter in fresh air so my nose won't adjust and make me think I'm done when I'm not.
This can take a few hours since those 5-minute waits really add up, but it's definitely worth it for the results. My last time actually being skunked the worst I had to deal with after doing this was some light residual skunk odor on my hands which faded within a week.
ED2of6 · 36-40, M
You're not alone there lol
Rm5588 · 26-30, M
ED2of6 · 36-40, M
@Rm5588 Heck to be honest if we lived in the same area I'd suggest going and getting sprayed/skunked together lol.

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