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I Have Visions

Having more visions and dreams. They are very different than the others . My dreams are showing me secret government operated facilities in Florida with aliens working in them. I've even had a few dreams of talking with such beings. I know what one and and woman look like, and got their names..forget their name when I woke up..Also showed a few tests government was running on them. I saw them help locating missing children in the state of Florida within 24 hours, and exact locations the children went missing and were found . There was three children that were found . I was also in one of their ships in another dream. They are very fair haired almost albino looking. I wish I could speak to them in real life
I know they are near.
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Goralski · 56-60, M
Hmmmmmmm albino wetbacks
Starfire111 · 26-30, F
@Goralski That's really racist and you should ashamed of yourself .
Goralski · 56-60, M
@Starfire111 it's yo vision not mine
People think your crazy? Fuck em I believe ya!
Starfire111 · 26-30, F
@Jogadnbyt I don't care what humans think . For My exstistence to be possible anything is possible .

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