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I Hate Mother's Day

I feel guilty about it because I know how many people enjoy it. And I do realize that not all mothers were like mine; actually, the overwhelming majority of mothers were, thank God, nothing like mine. I am glad that so many people have good, or at least somewhat good, memories of their mothers, and that so many women enjoy, or at least mostly enjoy motherhood.

But I have had no children. And I barely had a mother. I am alone on this day in every sense.

I am staying home and planning to call a close friend who had a son who died at age 26 and a daughter who is estranged from her for reasons entirely not her fault.

We are the forgotten ones on Mothers Day.

I forced myself to go to church the previous two Mothers Days, thinking it might help. It didn't. At the door, they ask you, Are you a mother? I said I wasn't. They were handing out flowers to mothers. The lady with the flowers handed me one anyway and said that I could honor my own mother. Now I was really depressed! I sat and listened to a sermon about how wonderful mothers are and how grateful we should be. By the time I left, I felt like I'd survived an ordeal. On the way home, I passed cars full of smiling families heading toward restaurants.

So this time I will stay home. I am glad I have my refuge of a rented room with a beautiful view.
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Wiseacre · F
Best thing to do is get together with others who do not have children, or are estranged..u are not alone!
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Wiseacre Only a few people in their late teens or early 20s. I am 74. People my age spend time with their grandchildren. Actually, I am thinking of moving to another community where a close friend lives. But, at this time, I have neither the health nor the money to do so. Eventually, that could change.
Wiseacre · F
@greenmountaingal I'd work towards!
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Wiseacre Thank you. I am.
Fernie · F
It seems the day saddens you. Why? You're not a that why? Or a reminder that your Mother stunk at the job? My mother was a violent monster...a horrible mother...I was born on mother's day...I decided to never have kids myself..because of all of that the day means nothing to me. I hope one day it means nothing to you
Fernie · F
@greenmountaingal Oh! Didn't mean to be insensitive. Yeah, I enjoy others happy families and their stories.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Fernie It comforts me to know that most people have not had my unhappy experiences with family life. It means I live in a world with more kind and friendly people than bad guys.
Fernie · F
@greenmountaingal Well said!
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@MotherlessDaughter01 That is a tough situation. Some of us just didn't get lucky.
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