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Pfuzylogic · M
The way that I have processed loss like grandparents that have passed away is to make sure they know that I love them.
After that there is little left to be right.
After that there is little left to be right.
SomeMichGuy · M
yes. ty. 😊
BetweenKittensandRiots · 36-40, MVIP
It's frustrating to me personally how some people find relationships so easy to walk away from. I mean it takes so much effort to build connection in the first place and on top of that some of us well... I was the biggest reject of them all when I was a child I pretty much thought I'd die alone... being autistic my father used to worry that I was profoundly autistic (I was VERY high functioning...) he let it slip that he worried I'd never know the love of a woman or anything... The bottom line is the odds were never in my favor and as a result I take things quiet personally and I have had trouble letting go of much of ANYONE, not just lovers but friends, every type of relationship and it's become painfully obvious to me that I'm very alone in that challenge other people are able to change relationships like they do pairs of socks... it's astonishing from an outsiders perspective. I lost a friend of longer than 7 years recently and it is astonishing to me how casually people can just throw people away.