Chaud....he didn't ask for best romance films.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Hannibal (brain scene)
She (give the barbarian his daughter back)
can't think of any more I try to avoid so it's curiosity that takes me there or it's a surprise
She (give the barbarian his daughter back)
can't think of any more I try to avoid so it's curiosity that takes me there or it's a surprise

Ha I found the brain scene in Hannibal to be more comical than disturbing.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Have you seen She (1960s film) it comes out of the blue and those are the ones that really shock you.
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Never seen that one....ill check it out sometime.

Yes this was a tough question. The disturbed tends to not find much disturbing, ha.
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
You can find it on YouTube.
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
I haven't seen that one.

Primal Fear, The Unsaid, Audition, Punch Drunk Love, Arlington Road
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
People complained about the first Human Centipede, so the director gave them what they wanted. The second one was great.
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
Audition was good. That final scene was unexpected.
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
The scene with Ray Liotta?
JustKeepScrolling · 36-40, M
Not much disturbs me, but the baby scene in August Underground's Mordum got me.

Lol yes Jonny....the scene where Lector is feeding him his own brain and I believe Ray says "tastes like chicken".