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I Have Injuries

Another injury for the books...kinda have to laugh...I fall a foot to the ground & actually break my foot/ankle!! Sober too! Smh I see an Orthopedic doctor tomorrow and find out what they're going to do for it. The two bones that run down your shin, into your foot? Those broke. Weird though, it doesn't really ache or hurt, but swelled a lot and bruised on the inside of my ankle. I won't let it keep me down for long though!
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Wolfdancer · 56-60, F

So, I learned I broke the Talus bone in the ankle. Main bone. Not good, but could have been worse. If you look up this bone on google it has two parts an upper and lower. I luckily broke the lower as the upper would have effected the blood flow to the bones & that would have been much much more serious a situation. I got to pick my favorite color Purple today. Casted for 4 months with very strict orders to NOT WALK ON IT PERIOD. After 4 weeks if it's healing properly (meaning that I've been a good girl) I might be able to have a walking cast, guessing probably another 4 weeks. Oh and I was not black & blue last night, but this is what it did look like this morning. Just wow! He did say my toes are going to turn purple & not to freak out.
joediamond · 36-40, M
Jeez,that sounds painful😬
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
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There ya go. This is my last night before I see the Orthopedic in the morning. I got a lame split from ER and figured this be my last night for my foot to breathe, so I unwrapped it to ice it. It's more swollen now than it ever was, but then I'm not in major pain so far so I been doing things about the house lol All I got to say is he's putting me in a water proof cast and one that lets me walk I hope. water proof a must but either way its still not going to stop me from much of what I do in the summer months lmao! I also learned today its the same Dr. that I had when I broke the other ankle and needed surgery...maybe 15+ years ago now.
joediamond · 36-40, M
@Wolfdancer whew,that looks bad.😫
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
@joediamond Looks worse than what it feels and lets hope the Orthopedic Dr. says the same thing this morning!
Fernie · F
you won't be dancing with wolves for a while
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
@Fernie Oh Fernie, ya so funny! Sure I will! I just won't be leading the Pack! They will be protecting me & watching over me. Our dance merely changes stride! lol
Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
So a home remedy instead of crutches has made things so much easier! lol A mechanics stool which I gave my own personal make-over!

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