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nonsensiclesnail · F
It’s not weird…. Or Im also weird. 🤔
I’ve wanted to do that way too many times to think you’re weird for actually doing it.
I’ve wanted to do that way too many times to think you’re weird for actually doing it.
NerdyPotato · M
That's a great idea actually.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@NerdyPotato yea cause I can focus better.
NerdyPotato · M
@iamnikki reading is tiring, but with audio books I get distracted and miss half the story. The combination sounds like something that would solve but issues.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@NerdyPotato me too, unless it's something like am autobiography. Those are good for when doing menial things around the house or driving etc. I like to actual read when things are really descriptive, like fiction. And I agree, reading is tiring. I don't see how some came read for hours at a time.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Not that weird, like there’s much weirder!
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
No I like doing that. I'm the same with song lyrics...
A little, yeah.