Friend being negative about me being positive.Stopped to catch up with a friend. She went on a vent to badmouth someone else. I told her to stop it because it isn't nice to do that kind of thing when the person isn't here. She started comparing me to someone else for being positive and... See More »
I Avoid Negative PeopleSometimes it just takes one really negative person to throw your whole rythm off. It's almost like It's so toxic it gets passed on to you when you interact with them like a disease.
I Avoid Negative PeopleI know this site is good for getting out our inner demons and stuff but when I see someone's profile filled with negativity I'm just like... no.
I Avoid Negative PeopleI have learned a lot in my time. But miserable people who love to see others fail or bring people down annoy me. I cannot stand these types of losers.
I Avoid Negative PeopleHow often are you surrounded by toxic people? Negative people can be very draining. Want a piece of advice? Break up with them. I have a colleague of mine, who does nothing but complain. First time I listened to her with my ears, and tried to... See More »
I Avoid Negative PeopleMy whole life most people have felt the need to tell me what I can or can't do. I've been told that I was ugly when eventually I would go on to have plenty of relationships. My own father once told me that I wasn't his son. That's fine, I choose to... See More »