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I Got Slippered At School

I see some girls at a school in Didsbury UK are complaining about being forced to remove their make-up.

When I was at school we weren't allowed to wear make-up either. Those of us who did not only got told to remove it, we got the slipper or, in cases of repeated offences, the cane as well.

Almost every day several girls, often myself included, would be slippered for wearing make-up or jewellery at school.
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jayneb · 56-60, F
I remember those rules too
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@FriendlyBryan. "The slipper" was actually a gymshoe/plimsoll and was a very common form of CP in UK schools, mostly used informally in class. It was considered to a be milder form od CP but a severe slippering was easily on a par with a caning.
they got an assortment of canes on display in our school... apparently they were used up to 1987
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
Maybe I am thinking of "reform" schools in Singapore.

As far as the tawse goes, it has a wonderful history as a very useful method of discipline in Scottish and other schools, until its loss in the 1980s.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ReggieFane. I was speaking to a woman who taught in Singapore for a while. She said the boys tended to be well behaved but girls, who are exempt from the cane, were out of control. She was regularly sworn at, spat at, punched and kicked by girls in school. In the end she just gave up and returned to the UK. She now works in what is considered a "bad school" where the boys are no worse behaved, the girls are much better behaved and she feels a lot safer than she did in Singapore.
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
Well, especially if as you say you have never experienced the cane or tawse, you are in no position to claim that they are "torture". There is little point discussing the matter if you don't even accept the premise of properly administered corporal punishment.
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
The tawse was used to the benefit of millions of Scottish boys and girls over many decades. It was an exceedingly effective method of discipline.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@Naimore. I'm not so sure. Despite frequently being caned or slippered, we weren't exactly little angels.
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
I rather think your views to be the minority - most appreciated the value of corporal punishment in the past.
ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Interesting. I have an older friend whose daughters were soundly caned back in the day at a school in Singapore by the headmistress, but this was the 1970s. Apparently it was brutally hard caning, that even he did not do.
theSoutherner · 70-79, M
Those were the days. First experience of HOT PANTS ha ha
Naimore · 61-69, M
@suzie I know I certainly wasn't in school. I never set out to get paddled but I got more than my share, all deserved
I went tho a boys grammar school in m Kent on the 70s. One boy was a huge Bowie fan so wore make-up one day. Same punishment
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
It is frankly ridiculous to compare a few salutary strokes with a leather strap to such things. Children knew they score: behaviour was all that was required to avoid the tawse.
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Marbot · 46-50, M
The teacher at our school used a dr scholl sandal as her form of slipper, wow that stung!
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suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@ReggieFane. My friend was there a lot more recently than 1970. I don't know when caning girls stopped in Singapore schools. The problems were caused by girls flaunting their immunity. It encourages them to misbehave. That problem doesn't exist in the UK school she teaches in now because boys and girls are treated alike.
Both my sisters and almost every other girl I knew frequently fell foul of rules like that. Skirt length was another one.
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suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@OWTFWN. The vast majority of school rules are made just because they can. There's no reason behind them. Many are racist, sexist or discriminate against certain religions.
ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Hear, hear, lochgellylady. But why not engage with those like me who actually share your views, please ?
FriendlyBryan · 51-55, M
They hit you with a slipper? Is that even a thing? Slipper whipping? I suspect that if a teacher had attacked me with a slipper I'd have laughed so hard that I would have ended up hurting myself. Or perhaps that is the punishment?
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
We were usually slippered in the classroom. Canings were mostly done in the the headteachers' studies.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@dunpender. Things weren't any better for boys, I've heard of boys being caned because their hair was too long.
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
Dunpender: six strokes per hand? I've never heard of that.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
We weren't allowed any makeup either. You could get away with lip gloss
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Naimore · 61-69, M
To bad they still don't allow it kids would be better behaved
MarySomerville · 46-50, F
Yes it was the same for us
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ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Yes, I wonder if, in any American schools, teen girls bent over in hot pants for the paddle. Daisy Dukes for sure, but they can be longer.
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erik2000 · 22-25, M
Were you slippered in an office or in the classroom?
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@lochgellylady. As I understand it, girls are totally exempt from corporal punishment in school in Singapore. It's possible that, at some time in the past, girls could be caned on their hands.
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ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Some quite ignorant and politically correct responses here, that fail to understand that some of the world's lowest crime rates in SE Asian countries coexist with rigorous use of CP in home and school. Step up Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar etc.

And the plimsoll slipper really did hurt like blazes, I can testify. I was often worried I'd tumble forward from my touch toes position and disgrace myself.
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Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I was spanked too I feel different about it now in a strange way, and I hated it so much back then.
lochgellylady · 70-79, F
Am I not correct in remembering that girls could be caned on the hands in Singapore, but boys only on the bottom?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
dunpender: Yes and on my bottom.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
It must be so embarassing to get spanked in front of the class. My parents use the belt and cane on me but in my school teachers are not allowed to hit kids.
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ReggieFane · 61-69, M
Your age denotes an arrogance of a bygone age in regarding these countries as Third World primitives. Shame on you. It is well known that their academic results are often as good as, or better, than the so-called First World. Your grammar and spelling are deficient, so perhaps you'd benefit from a lesson or two in those countries' school rooms?

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