thephoenix · M
People seem to forget that all we are, are moments in time. Does age really matter??? I don't think so.
Dominantsoul · 56-60, M
We all have just one life to live. We can pigeon hole ourselves into little boxes of what others see as right or wrong, or we can live this one life the way it should be lived. As long as we don't hurt people along the way or break the laws of what's right and wrong, then I say go with it. Don't worry what others think.
On my death bed the last thing I want to be saying is I wish I had lived my life a different way. You have to live your life for who you are, not how others want you to be.
On my death bed the last thing I want to be saying is I wish I had lived my life a different way. You have to live your life for who you are, not how others want you to be.
Uncfred · 61-69, M
I cant remember taking to older women as a teenager, I think the biggest age gap was 9 years older than me. Now as a virtual pensioner, I find it so easy to identify with the younger generations.
pixiekaren · 22-25, F
@Uncfred 'just a number' is a cliche and it doesn't mean it's always easy but when it works it works and it's amazing <3
Uncfred · 61-69, M
@pixiekaren Oh yes honey, and it is a wonderful thing as you say, it is lovely to know (from the older side).
funfan · 51-55, M
Hopefully, your love is still strong all these months later during the pandemic.
CC67219 · 46-50, F
It makes a difference if biology affects the relationship, most of the time it does, which is why older men trip all over themselves for younger women...

It matters if the person is a child but other than that...Love away.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Good for you !

Awwww bless x
justicexoxoxo · 26-30, M
I think it matter some times, there's many variables to this subject.
pixiekaren · 22-25, F
@justicexoxoxo I think when it comes to matter in a relationship, the age is not itself the problem. If the other things are right the age stops mattering. That's just my feeling
justicexoxoxo · 26-30, M
@pixiekaren I think maturity comes into play. It's like the situation I just got done dealing with. I dated a 19 year old and i'm 24 and she had her friends call me and threaten my life. Age matters, not always but it's not a factor one should ignore.
pixiekaren · 22-25, F
@justicexoxoxo I think you're right to raise a point about maturity yes so the age isn't totally unimportant...but older people can also be immature I suppose!
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
This was posted a few years ago are you still together?
pixiekaren · 22-25, F
@MrAverage1965 Actually no - but still good friends with this previous lover
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@pixiekaren it's good that you have stayed friends
dsrice · 56-60, M
Age is just a number for sure.
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LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
Age gap love can work if both sides are comfortable with it 🌹

Lucky them😀

i like older women too. DM me if you want
EagleV · 51-55, M
Honestly the best relationships I've ever been in were with much younger women😊