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I Hate Arguing

Part of it is because half the time I am delivered a personal insult from the person I'm arguing with, even though I'm trying to discuss the problem calmly. When I'm calm the other person just goes attacking all the time without listening taking everything I say personally. Why do people argue so disgustingly sometimes? Even when you're all out and just so pissed at the person you even just want to blank them out from your conscience, don't you try and remember that you're trying to solve or compromise an issue between you both, why do people argue without any sort of moral code sometimes? Later you might just keep thinking that it's the real world and nothing is perfect, but just because it's the real wold, does that mean we have to be so terrible and unrestrained? People are entitled to their feelings and what they say, yeah, but sometimes have no consideration what so ever of the affects of what they say sometimes.

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