Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Where are you working?
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Danez · M
@SodaPressed: really??! Omg! That's a hella long time. No break or vacation?
Danez · M
@SodaPressed: how long have you been away from home?
Danez · M
@SodaPressed: I know how that is for you. I've got a friend from the phils that is s nanny in Hong Kong. She had to leave her little boy with her mom to care for while she is working and sending money to the family.
SethGreene531 · M
Thats never easy, how many miles away are you ?

I dunno. Lol. All i know is im not in my home country's territory
SethGreene531 · M
@SodaPressed: Wow, you really are in a different land then. Very far away. Have mum send you a box of things that remind you of home..traditional foods, mementos and letters from friends.
Try to fully immerse yourself in the culture and activities of the country youre in now--it'll help you forget homesickness and you may even gain a 2nd favourite place in the world!!
If your in the U.S welcome, so happy to have you!
Try to fully immerse yourself in the culture and activities of the country youre in now--it'll help you forget homesickness and you may even gain a 2nd favourite place in the world!!
If your in the U.S welcome, so happy to have you!
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
What happens if you break your contract?

I still have no idea. I havent informed my broker regarding thus. I dunno. Maybe its just my emotional state
Danez · M
What do you miss most?

My dogs
Danez · M
@SodaPressed: awww snd they probably miss you just as much

@DanGerUs: i hope so.. i just wanna go home. Lol as if thats even possible right now 😥
Rutterman · 46-50, M
You can't go home again ~ Thomas Wolfe
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
How far are you away from home ?

I know that feeling 🤗🤗🤗
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Why can't you go home ?

Im working abroad
cloudi · 36-40, F
Go home!

I cant. I need to finish the 3 year contract
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Oh wow that's so hard
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
How long are you supposed to stay there ?

3 years 😢
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
How long do you have left on your 3 years ?

2 years and 10 months. Lol
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
And when you leave you save upmyour money and take your dog home. With you
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Ask where ever you live if you can have a dog ?
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Where's home?

Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Can you go home in your holidays ?
Triplets111 · 61-69, F
Are you in an apartment ?