I read that several times, I love the imagery.
SatyrService · M
now it is in mornings mist
a chance to read what I have missed
of thought from strangers far away
much better than news to start my day
a chance to read what I have missed
of thought from strangers far away
much better than news to start my day
Poet626 · 31-35, M
"Ripping zipties off of wrists tied to restrain the pain caused by the riptides/swirling in my sick mind, brain bathed in Strychnine, as the vortex in my cortex boils over inside. Adrenaline like I'm diving off a cliff side, a gentleman who'd wear a suit no parachute then realize I can't fly. I fight a white knuckle struggle gripping graphite, dripping ash lines on paper potent as vapor from a hash pipe."
Poet626 · 31-35, M
Love your poetry :)
mathsman · 70-79, M
But why do you need to rant?
Poet626 · 31-35, M
"My flow's smooth as syrup, but thoughts come slower than molasses/I wanna bring something sweet but I don't treat fans like the rest of the masses/I'll give you something to chew on/leave the beef for the jerk he's/wanting disputes let him stew on/I stirred him up with a smirk he/dared to assault a seasoned veteran, so I brought the heat, left him red and peppered him/thought surely that's the end of him/bringing word salad like a schizophrenic/each verse invalid and disconnected/like a thousand islands/so pathetic. So let me start the dressing down/he'll be throttled tight as a squeeze bottle/in a fight I don't mess around..."
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she mush have thorns I suppose
this beautiful and talented Northern Rose
this beautiful and talented Northern Rose