Weird egg 🥚The egg I cracked this morning for breakfast had two yolks in it, I've never had one like that before.
Ugh, idk..I am always feeling mentally burnt out idk why. Time will go by so fast for me I wake up at 6:30 and it goes by so fast it's already 10 am idk why my day goes by so fast. I'm always feeling mentally fried burnt out and just tired idk why.
Does anyone know?Can you get a free divorce for spousal abandonment? He abandoned me and I never saw him again he is still legally married to me but I no longer want his name linked to mine, and I would have to pay for the divorce in full price which is unfair to me.... See More »
Does anybody know?When you call a number and it says it's unreachable does that mean that its out of service?
Can you smoke weed the day after dental work?Just wondering I had some cavities filled in yesterday I really want to smoke, weed today I got my period today and I need some
Grunt....grunt.I'm so burnt out mentally sometimes as a single parent, you can't do it all alone, all the time, I was home alone last night I bought some weed to relax myself, I woke up so groggy and tired today I am so out of it physically.