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I Need Money

Im in nursing school so its hard to find a job that works with my schedule, I really need to pay a bill this week and was just wonderin if someone would help me out. It would be greatly appreciated
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SoFine · 46-50, F
1. Make your own lunch, dinner meals. You save with homemade than to buy 200% markmup on prepared food.
2. Walk to school, shopping. ....walk to save on transport costs. (Where you can)
3. Costs on Mobile phone, Internet, use free Wifi
4. Visit charity shops for clothing, books, home and kitchen impliments.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
does your city have a plasma center? the one here pays 400 a month if you donate twice a week,,,and you can you temp service jobs?
Platoscave · F
Been there done that.

Not my line.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
@Platoscave well i'm out then,gave my suggestions,good luck,
Platoscave · F
When i went to college, i worked 32 to 40 hrs a wk, drove an hr to college each.
shaun23xa · 26-30, F
working that much wouldnt leave me much time to study, my school wont give me anymore financial aid and my parents are already helping as much as they can@aaaabbbb
@shaun23xa how many classes are you taking? And if they are all doing all they can, how are you budgeting and spending money? Something is not adding up here. You have to help me understand.
And i never asked for a sugar mommy or hard you will make it as oppose to asking for a suggar daddy or money.
@leowander i agree with your 2nd point. Problem is that we do not know her true situatuion and her coming out looking for a suggar daddy (is easy money) or here led me to beleive not all the options may have been exhausted as she may not know and or also needs help in money management to be sustainable. Shit happens and we all do things which are not right in moment. I do not want to in correctly judge her with a worst case scenario.
leowander · M
It's unlikely anyone will find financial assistance on social media and I was trying to be more practical. It's not a good situation for anyone to take on too much financial commitment when they could accept help from family members who could afford to help them. Credit card debt can sneak up and burden people for years and it should be avoided. It's better to be dependent on parents than greedy financial institutions.
@leowander i get it and 100% agree there with you.
How about student loan?grant or bursries or parents?

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