Just when i miss you i be *lost*! Just when i be with you i be *lost*! Just when i be away from your gentle sweet charming eyes i be *lost*! Just when i be sleeping while you are near i be *lost*! Just when i be listing to your sweet voice i be *lost*! But what lost is meaning?!! **Every lost got a meaning for me and here they are in order** ^-^ <3 1st lost in my heart memories of yours <3 <3 2nd lost in your sweet loving that can never stop making me craving for more <3 <3 3rd lost in the night skies sparkling stars!!!!! as they got a so close beauty to your most charming and sparkling eyes <3 <3 <3 <3 4th lost in words and thoughts because of how much you are pretty and angelic while you be there taking care of me even when i am sleeping , so grateful and blessed <3 <3 <3 <3 5th lost in your words and how sweet they are!! every words touch me deeply with your sweet voice that never fail to be making my heart beating with a flirting beats of love and adoration <3 <3 <3 And so i just miss you when i am breathing, sleeping, walking or talking!!! <3 <3 i only just miss you my life love and amazing best reality ever!!! <3 <3 je t'adore mon amour <3 also and as always when i am missing to you i only listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acxnmaVTlZA <3