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The day my dad died

Once the plug was pulled, it took hours. Hours of spasms and gurgling and watching the man that made me feel worse than anyone ever had die. My half bro and sis were sobbing but I hadn't seen my dad in four years, I could barely produce any tears.

After he was gone I walked out of the hospital room into the hall. It was early AM and there was Xmas music playing. A nurse came and asked me if I was okay. She said that people sometimes have cold hurt and experience delayed grief. She was very kind. But I felt a light inside me turn off. I felt nothingness so deeply it frightened me. I went to work the next day confused, not knowing what else to do and I feel like I have lived a half life ever since.

When I lost my mom it was much slower and more painful, but the cold hurt dominates my emotions.

The way everything turned out... divorce, death, running away, hiding, abusive flings, dead end friends and being a single mom without support... I miss that warm part of me. But I'll never have my parents back. I will never feel like someones child, that love is gone. My son and I love each other insanely, but there's part of me that's giving up on being loved.

My parents barely put up a fight to live, like it meant nothing they had a child(ren). I try to convince myself Im not worthless, but it's not a good place to start.

I still don't know what to do.
alan20 · M
I never grieved for my parents either. I think I feel guilty about it. But if it doesn't come, it doesn't come. In my case it was because of perceived hurt they'd caused me. When I most needed their support they were against me, in fact were the problem.
alan20 · M
@Paintedfox Yes. At my mother especially. She boasted about her own affairs but didn't stop until she'd made the love of my life impossible.
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
@alan20 thats crazy bro, mom boasting to her son about her affairs.that must have mde you feel worthless.
alan20 · M
@johntomSWPhd It seemed to all boil down to jealousy!
Im so sorry for your loss...

Losing something that has always been a natural part of our life can be confusing...

it is, indeed, a cold hurt...

for me, it took 4 months to sit on the floor one day and cry my heart out after I lost my dad...

Grieving is very important.... sometimes it is a slow procedure.... Give it time, but please do not avoid it..
Northerner · 70-79, M
Try and find something to focus on in the future if you can.
Paintedfox · 36-40, F
@Northerner I have a lot to focus on and great dreams, but feeling worthless makes accomplishing anything a battle. Im just so tired.
Northerner · 70-79, M
@Paintedfox Very sorry to hear this.
@Paintedfox That's so good that you still have a focus in your life, and dreams as well, but the grieving process is essential. It might be worth speaking to a grief counsellor, or failing that there is loads of info online. Sorry I can't be more help :(
johntomSWPhd · 36-40
Focus on your son,work hard. Try to mend with his dad if possible.
Paintedfox · 36-40, F
@johntomSWPhd His dad could see him any time he wants and Ive done everything I can. I pick up his cousins and take them all out when their mom's hate me for no real reason.

I hate when you're doing EVERYTHING and someones advice is to do more...

Like do you have a kid? Do you have a family?

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