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I Dont Like Kids At All

This one is an embarrassing one to admit because it’s not just an admission of my not liking kids but it’s an admission of a lack of understanding their psychology. There is a complete disconnect for me when it comes to interacting with children. And while that could be considered normal for a 24 year old guy, it’s still embarrassing because I completely clam up around them. I don’t think they’re cute and I find them draining to be around.
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WAteacher · 46-50, F
Kids definitely aren't for everyone. And that's ok. My kids mean the world to me- but that's because I like kids and had a desire to have them. Kids have tantrums. Kids are messy and clumsy and loud and don't understand anything at the time they're born. For someone who doesn't have a natural urge to have kids, they can be a nightmare. It's good to be self-aware enough to realize you don't like kids, because people who have kids due to societal pressure are often the worst parents, and the children end up being the ones to suffer for it.
Lucyy · 22-25, F
@WAteacher THANK YOU. Don't have kids if you don't want them or can't handle them because at the end of the day, most kids who are stupid or awful or anything like that are not an example of a "bad kid". It's an example of a kid who has been FAILED by an adult. Kids take in and put out what they see. If you go in with the attitude that you're better than a kid because you're older and refuse to speak to apologize to a kid, then that's how the kid will act too. Awful kids are a reflection of awful adults/parents most often.
Syktur · 26-30, M
@WAteacher I became a father at fifteen and at the time I felt like my life was falling apart. I panicked because I knew my girlfriend and I wouldn’t be able to be parents. Thankfully she went to an amazing family. Otherwise her life would’ve been a disaster
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Time and time

I’m a dad of four and my kids have being my saving. It’s been the one thing I’ve done right in my life... 😌
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
Kids are great... they are curious and cute and full of laughter.... however thats still not enough to go through thru 18 + years of ungrateful , barely housebroken whining and entitlement.
Thebestof1995 · 26-30, F
When my anxiety was sky high when I was younger I thought the same way. Kids exhausted me. I avoided them as much as I can because I’d feel like they would trigger an anxiety attack. Now I’m alright with them, usually. I’ve always known I would choose to never have kids, but I do have some maternal instincts besides.
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Did you bi-pass the "kid" stage? ☺️
Doomflower · 41-45, M
They remind me of how ignorant and undeveloped I was at that stage. Even the me of half a dozen years ago looks like an idiot to me now.
Zaxel · 26-30, M
this was such a great video of kids getting beat up
Zaxel · 26-30, M
i hate other people's kids. your kid isnt cute when he's making a tantrum, he's a stupid kid with no emotional control and youre making him spoiled by encouraging that
Quizzical · 46-50, M
I find them to be annoying little assholes nine times out of ten
Syktur · 26-30, M
@Quizzical facts.

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