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I Like Speedos

I love speedos!
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nautyjade · 26-30, F
I like to see guys in speedos. It gives us girls some lovely things to look at. Have you noticed the difference in size from before getting into the water after. Lol.
Also how the size changes when you flash a boob or two!
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timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds
84 views · Receive Notifications · Newest First
Not every adult here are pervs, I have or should I say had friends that are 13 /15 now I can't see there profile or nothing, if they didn't want me to communicate with them they would block me or ask me not to. I help them with the problems and try to be a good influence on them. Why is that it's like that now

51-55, M
2 29 replies 84 views 2 days ago |

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pinkrainbowkisses · 36-40, F
Lmao!! 😂 I'm finding so much joy from this post. Love it.
2 · 2 days ago |

most old people
1 · 2 days ago |

MeToo-MaxPain · 36-40, M

Users like this. Children hooking up with dads and grandpas. Peter pays for Paul, Paul pays for all
2 · 2 days ago |

Footsugar123 · 51-55, M
I guess to them your old as well, and I really don't know where you get that most old people are, but that's your opinion
0 · 2 days ago |

Footsugar123 · 51-55, M
I'm happy your getting joy from my post, troll it all you like
0 · 2 days ago |

pinkrainbowkisses · 36-40, F
Find some friends your age.. you'll be fine.
3 · 2 days ago |

Footsugar123 · 51-55, M
I do have friends my age or close to it, thank you for the advice though
0 · 2 days ago |

BATOVN · 51-55, M
ive been on social media sites for 10 years now. all ive ever wanted to do is be a friend and help and listen and offer advise and stuff.....i have friends of all ages and male and female. just because people talk to someone yrs younger or older doesnt mean that they are a perv or predator. society whines that kids have no role models and those of us who try to be are shamed for talking to young people.......hello.....Buehler!!!! you cant have it both ways!!!
0 · 2 days ago |

pinkrainbowkisses · 36-40, F
Okay, you're welcome. Don't worry I'm sure those kids will be just fine without you.
3 · 2 days ago |

Andrew ADMIN
Hi @Footsugar123,
Thank you for your feedback.

Many adults may not be able to privately contact minors on this site depending on various interactions they have made on their account over a period of time.

This isn't to say that these users have done anything wrong, but our algorithms may have decided to be on the safer side and not allow the account to access minors in many cases.

We understand that you, and many others may have no ill intentions towards minors on this site.
However, many adults on this site do have wrong intentions, and we prefer to put the safety of children first.

We will be collecting feedback and improving our algorithms over time.
So it is possible that in the near future after several adjustments, some accounts unable to access minors at this time may gain that ability, or not. That what a admin told him ,if that helps
EvilEmily · F
this is a cameltoe

puppylove · M
Yeah, I love the way guys look in them

btw brunoandsammy , I get no message option for you guys either 😕
do your settings restrict it ?
Nahte · 18-21, M
@puppylove Backwards
Nahte · 18-21, M
@Nahte Timmys bff
nautyjade · 26-30, F
Speedos are to girls as cameltoes are to guys.
We got you message, we can read it but cannot answer it, we can message others, can’t add you as a friend either.
I think you need to add us if we want to message each other.
SpeedoLover · 22-25, M
I've tried but I can't seem to add you
We cannot add you or message you either, we have the option to message total strangers if we can see their profiles, and there seems to be no age restriction. We got no idea why we are restricted and canr find anyone to ask.
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
Hehe:) cool 😎 what does that have to do with speedos though and girls, never mind I found out hehe :) mom told me what it was ,sorry if I sound dumb but I don't know that much about somethings ,
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
Sorry I didn't mean to copy all of it 😞 now I feel stupid but I like speedos to ,not wearing but seeing guys in them hehe:)
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
The said why it's like on footsugar123 story if you can read it . I don't remember the name of it ,
Yeah, we get not message option either. 😪
Surf shorts hide to much, if girls can wear skimpy stuff we should too show off our bits and bums.
wetncthru · F
What about the contents?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Surf shorts looks so much better in my opinion.
Shannon27 · M
I don't like speedos, i LOVE them.
Smellyjeans · 56-60, M
timjusttim123 · 22-25, M
What's that? Cameltoes
gymnoagori · 26-30, M
I'd rather swim nude but will do speedo's when it not allowed
Pisciatto1 · 26-30, M
I like pissing into my speedos

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