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I Love to Write Fiction

I've actually started a blog dedicated to certain types of fiction, and I take requests. I do short stories, mainly under 1000 words if unpaid, sometimes I do more if I really like a request.
I'm still preparing to take proper commissions, because I want to do well and fear failing to capture a customers desires on paper.
However, I really do love writing and seeing how happy my stories can make people. So I hope I can get paid to do it...someday, haha.
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Leafkiss · 26-30, F
You can do it!😊
JustMags · 26-30
@Leafkiss thank you for the encouragement. I write in a bit of a niche area right now but I think I can go far.
Leafkiss · 26-30, F
Well we all start sonewhere right?😊
Ikarosswings0 · 36-40, M
What types of fiction do you do?
JustMags · 26-30
@Ikarosswings0 right now romantic ficlets are where the quick money is so that's my current niche, but i also write fantasy, sci fi, drama, and thrillers (love to do a period murder mystery). Most often I write in short story form. I've written a few novels but none of them have compelled me to publish.
Ikarosswings0 · 36-40, M
@JustMags do you do any more adult stuff?
JustMags · 26-30
@Ikarosswings0 oh hell yeah. Smut is the money maker, if that's what you are referring too. Can be a bit tricky but fun to write depending on a few variables. I typically don't write scenes like that for free. They take a bit longer, I want to lend to them finesse and a suspension of disbelief...and I also don't want to use the word cock too many times. Gotta find a good balance, haha.

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