I Hate Watching the News
I actively avoid watching the news, and have for a lot of years now. A good portion of the "segments" are ads, and the ones that aren't paint such a skewed picture of the world, reporting on only the tiny subset of events that's going to garner the highest ratings. It twists reality into a pretzel - making it seem like everything is always going wrong everywhere. Every school is getting shot up. Every cop is white and goes around shooting unarmed black people for kicks. Every place in the world is being blown up and terrorized and every other terrible thing in the bloody world. Racism and corruption and murder and terrorism are the only things that ever happen. And I think that if most regular news watchers took an honest look at the skews in their own views, they'd recognize that some of those skews are in exactly the same shape of the skews in the news. And hell, if something's really important, then I inevitably hear about it from the people around me.