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I Have Created My Own Language

Here is some of it, in the form of a whispering tunnel song.

Ats'u tletsk viska
Ka tsaskt vruhl'lechk
Och'kset cho
Rrosht leka
Vul ek tse'tsorrt
Rruhv aks shkil
Ats uts askats vruhl

At high moon
Our great and mighty warrior
Moved onto the Drull land
With 6 others
They raided a camp
And won their battle through deception tactics
They stole 3 young
We will use them to bargain with the Drull
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GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Your new language has been around eons. Grats, on summoning a shoggoth though.
No it hasn't? This is something I've worked on a lot. :/

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