I Wtk What Inkblot Test Say About You
Sounds Pretty Close.........
You Are Driven and Focused
You had more conflict with your father than your mother. Your relationship with him was healthy but challenging.
You don't deal with stress well. Even moderately stressful events tend to send you in a tailspin.
You are the type of person who knows how to get a lot done. However, sometimes you can't help but get overwhelmed by life.
You Are Driven and Focused
You view people with optimism. You have many meaningful relationships in your life.
You had more conflict with your father than your mother. Your relationship with him was healthy but challenging.
You don't deal with stress well. Even moderately stressful events tend to send you in a tailspin.
You are the type of person who knows how to get a lot done. However, sometimes you can't help but get overwhelmed by life.