I Think We Need To Remember The Past

90% of the soldiers on the first boats to hit the beach didn't live to see the end of the day.
Look at those faces. Some of them never made it to 18. Never voted. Never went to college, never married, or owned a home.
They gave their lives fighting Hitler and the Nazis, so today's kids can call everyone they don't like Hitler and Nazis.
Think about that.
They paid the ultimate price for your freedom. You live your life the way you do because of them.
When you say a Vet has done nothing for you ,,you spit on their sacrifice ,they were kids willing to die so others didn't have to
Not because they were mindless robots ,
But because they were citizens of the USA ,willing to do whatever it took to keep our country free .
They were all scared ,who faces death and isn't ?
But thats what makes them hero's
They swallowed their fears ,and went to their deaths if need be
so that others might not have to .
Vets do not join the service for a job ,the pay is not that great when you add up the hours ,no over time ,and the physical pain often associated with just the training to do the job ,
and few actually know where they will end up deployed to or for how long ,countless kids and wives left without Dads ,killed before they even seen action .
Unlike a civilian job ,you don't get to pick and chose where they send you ,,and they don't care who you have to leave behind .
"But my Mom is on her death bed she has cancer " no one cares
"my Dad died ,can I at least attend the funeral "?
You don't get to pick when you go ,you go where your told .
So why do so many volunteer ?
They do it to defend the liberties so many today take for granted
No Vet puts themselves in harms way thinking
"Yep I'm getting paid "
only a spoiled idiot ,that has had everything handed to them would even think that way .
Are you willing to risk dying for a pay check you'll never spend ?
I don't know who has been brain washing the youth today that our service men and woman are just mindless robots ,
serving the establishment ,,engaging in unjust wars
Maybe the same ones who said fleeing to Canada was actually an option ,(had Jimmy Carter not pardoned the draft dodgers ,they would have lost their rights to be called US citizens ,and they would have never been allowed back on US soil again ,that was not a valid option and to add my 2 cents ,that spit of those kids memory too)
Most join to protect you ,,and our way of life ,our freedom
before the enemy they they engage elsewhere
brings their hate for Americans ,,here
We have been engaged on US soil only once in my lifetime
Sept 11 , 2001
That is a drop in the bucket to the terror we could face .
Like the cop you take for granted until you need one
Our brave men and women of the US armed forces are on the job for you
only this little example ,in this pic ,,
they went ,the saw ,and never came home
They gave their all for you ,,even if your not grateful
have a great day